Marietje Chamberlain is a landscape painter who explores the elusive territory between the familiar and the mysterious, and who seeks drama in the ordinary.  She is drawn to the effects of light, mostly dawn, dusk, mist, and moonlight.  Reflections of this light will often be in water showing nature in her quiet mood.

Marietje studied at the Graduate Academy Van Braam & Wibaut, Amsterdam, The Netherlands and attended studio courses at the Art League School, Alexandria, Virginia and American University, Washington, D.C. She worked as a Free-lance Illustrator in Amsterdam and as a Commercial artist at the PRAD Advertising Agency in Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

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Quite Water Mariejte Chamberlain
Quiet Water
Oil on canvas diptych 30 x 20
Shy Sheep Mariejte Chamberlain
Shy Sheep
Oil on linen panel 12 x 9
Shallow Shores Mariejte Chamberlain
Shallow Shores
Oil on linen panel 12 x 9